Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Awaited Mahdi is announcing to the turned-away off the Reminder, the great Quran, a chastisement of a day of destruction at the doors so keep-guard of Allah O possessors of understanding

 The Awaited Mahdi is announcing to the turned-away off the Reminder, the great Quran, a chastisement of a day of destruction at the doors so keep-guard of Allah O possessors of understanding
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon all Allah's prophets and His messenger from jinn and humans from the first of them to the seal of them Mohammad messenger of Allah and their pure families and all the faithful-believers as long the night and day are in succession till the last day, after this..O community of the best foremost supporters in the era of dialogue before the appearing, O community of the searchers about the Truth at the dialogue table, O community of the Muslims and the whole humans and jinn altogether, keep your duty to Allah wherever you are and do not die unless you are submitting Muslims, and know a certain knowledge that the sun overtook the moon in numerous months. And her it is manifested for the questioners as well that the sun overtook the moon in the month's beginning of Rabee the first for this year of yours 1436 therefore came the night of the full-moon completion in this blessed night of Sunday, and the moon reaches the stage of the complete fullness 100% through the last third (part of night) before dawn despite that it did not pass from the month Rabee the first except twelve days according to the announcement of its beginning of the Hijri (Islamic calendar) by all astronomers! So is there who mind or that the moon would be obscured onto you where your eyes do not see it as Allah blinded your insight off the True statement for your Reminder the great Quran? And who Allah did make light for him then he has no light and not by injustice from Allah but because from yourselves for the fact you are satisfied in what you found your forefather upon it of knowledge, and most of it false, and you did not turn close to your Lord in order to guide your hearts.
O community of the Muslims, keep your duty to Allah the Lord of the worlds, since the passed ten years the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is warning you that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the eclipse then the sun met with it while it's just a crescent. Perhaps one of the questioning Muslims would like to say: "O Nasser Mohammad, how is for me to know a certain knowledge that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing according to your fatwa". Then the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni replies to all the questioners and I say: "There dispute among the humans that the moon's first reaching to phase of the full-moon stage would be in the night of the half of the month the night of the fifteenth so this means that it is for sure and undoubtedly that you have not seen the crescent's sighting for this month except after passing one or two nights because the sun over took the moon so the crescent was born before the pairing then the sun met with it while it's just a crescent, and this is clearing for you through the crescent's swelling that it passed one or two nights in ratification for one the major signs of the Hour as told you by this the seal of the prophets and messengers Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family: From Abdullah son of Masoud said:Allah's messenger said:
[From approaching of the Hour is the swelling of the crescents, and the crescent would be seen for
the night so it would be said it is son of two nights].
Spoke the Truth, forgiveness and peace be upon him.
As how this would be clear to you that Allah decreed the moon's phases so the light of the crescent's size enlarges upon the moon's face night after night until the moon reaches to the complete full-moon stage, so if the sun overtook the moon for one night then certainly you shall find that the moon is reaching the stage of fullness through the fourteenth of the month undoubtedly according to the first confirmation of the crescent's sighting for that month, as when the greater overtaking has occurred and you have not seen the crescent of the month unless after two nights passed then certainly you shall find that the moon is reaching to the complete fullness through the thirteenth night and did not pass from the month except twelve days according to the announcement of it start as what happened in month of Rabee the first in this night of Sunday, so you shall find that the moon is truly just reached to stage of complete fullness through this night before dawn, and this means that the night of Sunday is truly the night of the fifteenth since the starting birth of crescent Rabee the first to starting of crescent's phase of month Rabee the first of this year of yours 1436 Hijri, and it first phase was in the state of overtaking despite you know that the first of its beginning was on the night of Tuesday and others had started its beginning on the night of Wednesday. In any case, the astronomers surely know that the night of the complete full-moon is be calculation of the first phase of the moon and this is customary in humans' Nations, nation after nation, which is that countries sight the first beginning of the month after passing 29 days from the lunar month and others complete the month thirty days. But if the sun overtook the moon so it is not possible for all humans that one of them witness the first crescent's phase of the moon because the overtaken crescent of the month most certainly would set before sunset while it is in the state of overtaking because the humans do not view the first beginning of the month except that the sun meets by the moon so it passes the sun easterly leaving the sun flows after it westerly of the moon.Anyway, for maybe on of the religious scholars who are recently read the announcement of the Awaited Mahdi that the sun over took the moon and would like to say: "Slow-down O Nasser Mohammad, here I am raising the argument against you by the Truth from the decisive great Quran than the sun should not be for it to overtake the moon, in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High:
{And a sign to them is the night: We draw forth from it the day, then lo! they are in darkness;(37) And the sun moves on to its destination. That is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knower.(38) And the moon, We have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as (Al-Orjoon) the old dark phase (again).(39) Neither is it for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day. And all float on in an orbit.(40)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Ya-Seen] 36:37-40
Then the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni replies to all the questioners of the religious scholars and the Muslims, and I say: Do you believe that rising of the sun from it's setting a ratification for a condition from the major conditions of the Hour on a night when the night precedes the daylight and the east ends up west and the west is east? So if you denied that the sun should not overtake the moon to no end nor should be for the night to precede the daylight to no end, then this is the disbelieve in a condition of the Hour, and in the Hour ,and the in the day of Resurrection, and in the Rising, and in Haven and Hell-fire and the calling to account and the punishment, do you not reflect? O my beloveds in Allah's love, surely the sun should not be for to overtake the moon since Allah created the heavens and earth until the age of the worldly life enters in ear of ratification the major signs of the Hour so the sun overtakes the moon til when Allah please a warning to mankind then the night precedes the daylight because of the sun's rising from its setting. So how is the way to save you if you denied the cosmic overtaking sign? So here it is the full-moon will reach to the complete full-moon's stage before your eyes through the last third of this night of Sunday despite that it did not pass from the month of Rabee the first for this year of yours 1436 except twelve day and you are seeing the ratification by the Truth upon the actual reality.
And I am the True Awaited Mahdi declaring the challenge to astronomers the Muslim of them and the disbeliever to prove by the clear proof that the moon did not reach the complete full-moon through this night of Sunday by dawn, and they could not nor can they deny. For the fact it is a cosmic phenomenon for the viewers that the moon most certainly and undoubtedly will reach the full-moon stage through this night of Sunday and did not pass from the month of Rabee the first except twelve nights, and the first night of fullness came on the night of thirteenth of the month Rabee the first on this blessed night of Sunday, so there is no room for causing error O community of astronomers altogether, so keep your duty to Allah and confess in the Truth and do not lead astray yourselves and your nation off the cosmic overtaking sign a warning for mankind since Ramadan of 1425, so if you knew that the moon actually reached to the complete fullness and did not pass from the month except thirteenth days or twelve day so here you know that the sun overtook the moon whether for a night or two night according to the type of overtaking the major and the minor.
Upon any case remember that full completion of the moon before its appointed-time is a warning for mankind before passing of planet Saqar which pass-over the humans after a while of a long-time from time to other, so keep your duty to Allah before the night passes before the daylight on the night of passing the major hell-fire, therefore Allah swore by the appointed time in the first verses of the overtaking a warning to mankind. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High:
 {O you who wrapped-up yourself,(1) Arise and warn,(2) And your Lord do magnify,(3) And your garments do purify,(4) And uncleanness do shun,(5) And do no favor seeking gain,(6) And for the sake of your Lord, be patient.(7) For when the knocker would knock,(8) That will be — that day — a difficult day,(9) For the disbelievers, anything but easy.(10) Leave Me alone with him whom I created,(11) And gave him vast riches,(12) And sons dwelling in his presence,(13) And made matters easy for him,(14) And yet he desires that I should give more!(15) By no means! Surely he is stubbornly-inimical to Our messages.(16) I will make a distressing punishment overtake him.(17) Surely he reflected and determined,(18) But may he be destroyed how he determined!(19) Again, may he be destroyed how he determined!(20) Then he looked,(21) Then frowned and scowled,(22) Then turned back and was big with pride,(23) Then said: This is naught but magic from of old!(24) This is not but the word of humans!(25) I will cast him into hell.(26) And what will make you realize what hell is?(27) It leaves nothing, nor spares.(28) which pass-over the humans (from time to time).(29) Over it are nineteen.(30) And We have made none but angels wardens of the Fire, and We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the Book may be certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who have been given the Book and the believers may not doubt; and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say: What does Allah mean by this parable? Thus Allah leaves in error whom He pleases, and guides whom He pleases. And none knows the hosts of your Lord but He. And this is not but a Reminder to humans.(31) Nay, by the moon!(32) And the night when it departs!(33) And the dawn when it shines!(34) Surely it is one of the major (sings).(35) A warning to mortals,(36) To him among you who will go forward or will remain behind.(37)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Mudethir] 74:1-37
So remember the word of Allah the Most High:
 {I will cast him into hell.(26) And what will make you realize what hell is?(27) It does not leave (a thing), nor spares.(28) It is passing-over the humans (from time to time).(29) Over it are nineteen.(30) And We have made none but angels wardens of the Fire, and We have not made their number but as a trial for those who disbelieve, that those who have been given the Book may be certain and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who have been given the Book and the believers may not doubt; and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say: What does Allah mean by this parable? Thus Allah leaves in error whom He pleases, and guides whom He pleases. And none knows the hosts of your Lord but He. And this is not but a Reminder to humans.(31) Nay, by the moon!(32) And the night when it departs!(33) And the dawn when it shines!(34) Surely it is one of the major (sings).(35) A warning to mortals,(36) To him among you who will go forward or will remain behind.(37)}
Truthful Allah the Great
Do you not reflect in the word of Allah the Most High:
 {Surely it is one of the major (sings).(35) A warning to mortals,(36) To him among you who will go forward or will remain behind.(37)}
Truthful Allah the Great?
Do you not reflect the warning of the moon the warner when it expands before its appointed-time because of the overtaking as that the hell-fire comes to you so its heavenly body will ride above the planet of mankind so it throws at them by lashes of the rocks of fire? As well in one night of the overtaking months in a night of the full-moon's completion before its appointed time. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Indeed I swear by the dusk (sunset redness),(16) And the night what covers,(17) And the moon when it expands,(18) That you shall certainly have a (heavenly-body) rides a level above your (heavenly-body) level.(19) But what is the matter with them that they believe not?(20) And, when the Quran is recited to them, they do not fall prostrate.(21) In fact, those who disbelieve say lies,(22) And Allah knows best what they hide (most-inner thoughts).(23) So announce to them a painful chastisement,(24)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Inshqaq] 84:16-24
{So announce to them a painful chastisement,(24)}Truthful Allah the Great.
{So announce to them a painful chastisement,(24)}Truthful Allah the Great.
{So announce to them a painful chastisement,(24)}Truthful Allah the Great.
O our Allah I just delivered (the message), O our Allah bear witness, and peace be upon the messengers,and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worldsAllah's khalifa and His servant the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
13 - 03 - 1436 AH
04 - 01 - 2015 AD

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The third reply from the Imam Mahdi to the respectable solder of the Al-Da'eshia state

The third reply from the Imam Mahdi to the respectable solder of the Al-Da'eshia state
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of Allah's messengers Mohammad messenger of Allah and the believers among the ancient first comers and the later ones, and the upper assembly till the Day of Judgement, after this..
O my beloved in Allah's love the respectable solder of the state, surely the problem of yours and whom had already passed and the scholars of your era, is the daring to explain verses of the great Quran by an explanatory-statement of conjuncture from your own selves, so look at the explanatory-statement for the word of Allah the Most High:
{The only punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered, or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut (injured) on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. This shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the Hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement.(33) Except those who repent before you overpower them; so know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.(34)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma'eda] 5:33-34
And came in these verses the punishment-laws of the mischief makers in the land whom they commit the limits (crossing the boundaries) of Allah so they intercept the road and loot the people's wealth an they kill them, then steal their money or rape people's honor (violating them sexually), upon any case, surely He means two kinds of mischief makers in the land and they are whom attack the people on the road, so Allah commanded the ruler to arrest them to apply onto them the Allah's law of punishment that they deserve it according to the type of crime which they committed, so if they fought then it was a must of fighting them even if you were compelled to kill them for your own defense, and if they were arrested alive then applying Allah's law of punishment which they deserve it. Because from the laws of punishment is the banishment from the land which is the ruler to throw them in jail a period of time determined by the court's judge according to type of the crime, so you would find the mischief makers who be killed and of them who be crucified and of them their hands and their feet should be cut on opposite sides and of them the court's judge cast him into jail for a period of time after issuing the judicial judgement in justice without oppression, but you have made it belong to the resonators of war! So be dutiful to Allah, by Allah then by Allah indeed this altering to Allah's words off its intended places by the false statement from yourselves.
Regarding to the forbidden attribution of purity it is: The testimony for the others that he is on the right without knowledge neither guidance nor enlightening book, or attributing purity to each other as the polytheists whom they attribute sanctity to one another, as the example of the polytheists from the people of the Book attributing the polytheists who do not worship Allah Him Alone not associating with Him (partners) and they misguide the people that those are better guided than those who believe, so that is the forbidden attribution of sanctity. And Allah the Most High said:
 {Have you not seen those who attribute sanctity to themselves? In fact Allah purifies whom He pleases, and they will not be wronged a whit.(49) See how they forge lies against Allah! And sufficient is this as a manifest sin.(50) Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Book was given? They believe in sorcery and (Al-Taghot) satan, and they say to those who disbelieve: These are better guided in the path than those who believe.(51)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:49-51
And the True statement to His word the Most High:
 {Have you not seen those who attribute purity to themselves?},
 He means the polytheists attributing each other that they are upon the Truth forging a lie against Allah from their own self in what Allah did not send down an authority in it. Therefore Allah the Most High said:{Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Book was given? They believe in sorcery and (Al-Taghot) satan, and they sayto those who disbelieve: These are better guided in the path than those who believe.(51)}
Truthful Allah the Great
Do you want to apply this verse on the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni who Allah attributed him by the bridling authority of knowledge? And Allah purifies whom He pleases by the Truth so He supports him by the bridling authority of knowledge. And I am not as those forging the lies against Allah, so is it equal the Truth and falsehood? How do you judge? O solder of the state, do not alter the words off its intended places He knows best in who guards against evil, and do not mix the decisive laws of the Quran's constitution and change it True places surely, in this a grievous wrong-doing if you did my beloveds in Allah's love.In regards to the Iraqi army captives if you just put them in your jails so they eat and drink till Allah establishes you in the land if you were upon righteousness, then you remove them from jails to be sincere solders for the Islamic state after empowerment. As for you slaughter them as butchering ewes so you would protect you Allah's chastisement.O man, the army militant did not join the military for the sack of fighting you; only to earn a salary to raise his children and to spend on his mother and father and not loyalty for the Iraqi government and not loyalty for America. O man, only Allah authorized you to kill and fight the traitors who are loyal to the unbelievers by the ideological allegiance to fight Islam and Muslims, so this is the intended allegiance in the word of Allah the Most High:
{O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of each other. And whoever among you takes them for friends he is indeed one of them. Surely Allah guides not the unjust people.(51) But you see those in whose hearts is a disease, hastening towards them, saying: We fear lest a calamity should befall us. Maybe Allah will bring the victory or a commandment from Himself, so they will regret what they hid in their souls.(52) And those who believe will say: Are these they who swore by Allah with their most forcible oaths that they were surely with you? Their deeds are nullified, so they will be losers.(53)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma'eda] 5:51-53.
 so look at their betrayal, that they swore by Allah with their most forcible oaths that they are on the side of the believers and they are traitors of that Allah the Most High said:
{And those who believe will say: Are these they who swore by Allah with their most forcible oaths that they were surely with you?Their deeds are nullified, so they will be losers.(53)}
Truthful Allah the Great
Anyway we do not give fatwa that the Iraqi government is upon justice, neither we give fatwa that Da'eshi state is upon justice nor we give fatwa that any of the Arabian Islamic countries is upon justice, in fact all of you follow no good until you uphold the laws of this great Quran as Allah sent it down by the Truth in justice.O man, Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is not who tarnished your reputation; in fact you your own reputation by butchering the prisoners of war until you compelled the Muslims and disbelievers to hate your Islamic state; ghost of the era! O revered sheikh respectable Aba Bakr Al-Bagdadi, it was the wise decision to place in jail whom you took captives until we find out if Allah establishes you in the land or Allah make them free by your enemies' victory over you.
O my beloved supporters, we do not allow you to describe Da'ish by Jewish agent, but from parties of the Muslims whose effort goes astray in this world’s life, and they think that they are guided, and we do not deny that they are brave men and war fighter but oh my regret and sorrow for them because they will go in vain, how much the Imam Mahdi is in need for them to fight the armies of the liar messiah antichrist. I plead for my Lord to guide the revered sheikh Aba Bakr Al-Bagdadi and all solders of the Islamic state to follow the True Imam Mahdi from their Lord.
O my beloved for Allah's pleasure solder of the state, by Allah, then by Allah indeed it hurts me what is happening from you towards your Muslim brethren and what happens to you from your Muslim brethren, as well painful to me what is happening to you from the enemies of Islam and the Muslims from the Atlantic coalition; in fact the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is sorrow upon the Muslims in general and I want for them the survival and guidance, so inform you master the revered sheikh Aba Bakr Al-Bagdadi that the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is inviting him for the dialogue so if I overpowered him by the authority of knowledge from the decisive great Quran so he should follow me and his army in the Truth, and if he overpower me so it is then I should follow him and my supporters in the Truth, the Truth more worthy to be followed, so whoever of us Allah selected him so Allah will increase him abundantly in knowledge from the decisive great Quran, and not the abundance of knowledge what you brought us from words of conjuncture interpretation scholars whom they say upon Allah what they do not know by conflicting different explanations because it is from themselves, and their interpretation does not increase the searcher except confusion which of them he should follow!
O my beloveds community of the Muslims in east of the land and its west, how much you are in need to sending the True Awaited Imam Mahdi from your Lord, do you not give thanks? So how is the way to your rescue and how is the way to make you see the True statement for the great Quran and it is obscure to you because you are considering yourselves free from need for what you have from knowledge and it is forged falsehood, and you think that you follow a good thing and all of you are following no good until you uphold the laws of this great Quran without alteration of Allah's words off it places which Allah intends it, so guard yourself from Allah and do not say against Allah what you do not know then Allah would teach you and make you see by the Truth, and know that who Allah did not make light for him he has no light, and you would not and never see the Truth from your Lord until Allah makes for you light to differentiate between the Truth and falsehood, and Allah never bestow upon you light to your hearts until you turn close to your Lord so He guides to the upright path.
O my beloved for Allah's pleasure solder of the state, do you not know that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is the True Awaited Mahdi Allah's khalifa on earth? Do you not know that the humans entered in the ear of the major signs of the Hour and that the sun overtook the moon in many months and in this month of Rabee the first in this year of yours 1436 so the crescent was born before the pairing and the sun met with it while its just a crescent? Therefore you will find the moon of the month of Rabee the first for your year 1436 will be completing the circle of the moon's face and did not pass from the month of Rabee the first except twelve days! Does not this make you think so you would know that the sun overtook the moon so you would follow the Truth from your Lord before the night precedes the daylight because of rising the sun from its setting? Do you not keep guard and just approached the humans chastisement of a destruction day before the resurrection day; that is a day of chastisement of the manifested smoke in it a painful chastisement so you would say our Lord remove off us the chastisement we are believing, and I plead to my Lord to guide the Muslims altogether by the True statement for the great Quran before the chastisement of the manifested smoke comes to them a sign of the major signs of the Hour.
Perhaps solder of the state would like to say: "O Nasser Mohammad, what solder of the state has to do with astronomy, what do I know what you mean by that the sun overtook the moon?". then the Awaited Mahdi replies to all the questioners and we say: Did not Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- foretold you that from the major signs of the Hour is swelling of the crescent? And forgiveness
 and peace be upon him said:
 [From approaching of the Hour is the swelling of the crescents, and the crescent would be seen for the night so it would be said it is son of two nights]
Truthful peace of Allah be upon him
Do you know what is the reason of swelling the month's crescent in its first sighting? That is because there is a phase descent to two phase descents passed before sighting the crescent of the month, therefore the crescent of the month is swollen despite it is the first viewing for it. In any case surely Allah shall make an example for you for that in this month of yours the month of Rabee the first, the humans shall find that moon of of Rabee the first completed-fullness on the night of Sunday although did not pass from the month of Rabee the first except twelve days according to the crescent's sighting, so what is wrong with you O community of Muslims you almost do not comprehend nor you can find a way! So keep your guard of Allah and obey me and respond to the caller to Allah to follow Allah's Book and the True sunna of His messenger which does not violate the decisive great Quran, and know that Allah's Book and His prophet's sunna are light upon light and should not be for the True prophet's sunna to violate the great Quran. O our Allah I just delivered the message, O our Allah bear witness, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
 Your brother, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
10 - 03 - 1436 AH

01 - 01 - 2015 AD
