More from the ruling of the Imam Mahdi in the seven readings for the Great Quran
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets and the messengers from the first of them to the last of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah by the clear Arabic Quran, without crookedness in one Arabic language and one Arabic tongue, after this..
O you who is arguing about the seven readings but you are arguing with grudges and disliked hate and you wronged yourself a greatly wrong and you came to obstruct off the straight path and will die off your rage we will bring up the argument against with the bridling authority of knowledge from the decisive Great Quran. Allah did not declare to us in it that for the Quran are seven readings; but He reveled it in one Arabic language and one Arabic tongue without crookedness, but you the possessors of the crooked tongue you are the possessors of the seven readings, and there must be one of them is false.
O man, surly the Quran is a clear Arabic tongue, and the question is: Is there for our Arabic language seven readings? What is the matter with you? How do you judge?! But the Quran is a clear Arabic Quran without crookedness in the tongue not according to your claim for the seven readings. and yes.. Allah just preserved the letters of the Quran from the distortion of your crooked tongues indeed the crookedness is in the tongues of the convinced ones in the seven readings, and Allah the Most High said:
{An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may guard against evil.}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zumer] 39:28
Why do you make it crooked with your tongues to seven readings? We ruled previously by the Truth, which is of the seven readings is the true reading? It is what you name it Hafs; it is the classical Arabic language, and you find it truly is the classical Arabic language because it is a clear Arabic tongue, in fact the crookedness is in your tongue that you try to apply it on some of the Quran's words as in the recitation of Mohammad Hosain Amer -I ask from Allah the mercy for him- who he followed your desires in the seven readings for some of the Quran's letters, for example the letter Ha and you know that it is pronounced (ha) in the Arabic language or is it uttered (hee)! As that the letter Ya and you know that it is pronounced (ya) in the Arabic language or is it uttered (yee)!
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zumer] 39:28
Why do you make it crooked with your tongues to seven readings? We ruled previously by the Truth, which is of the seven readings is the true reading? It is what you name it Hafs; it is the classical Arabic language, and you find it truly is the classical Arabic language because it is a clear Arabic tongue, in fact the crookedness is in your tongue that you try to apply it on some of the Quran's words as in the recitation of Mohammad Hosain Amer -I ask from Allah the mercy for him- who he followed your desires in the seven readings for some of the Quran's letters, for example the letter Ha and you know that it is pronounced (ha) in the Arabic language or is it uttered (hee)! As that the letter Ya and you know that it is pronounced (ya) in the Arabic language or is it uttered (yee)!
And the true judgement:
Surly the clear
Arabic Quran utters the letter Ha (ha) and the Ya (ya) and not (hee)
(yee) as in the recitation of Mohammad Hosain Amer for the first letters
for chapter Mariam as on the link bellow:
O man, you do not care for the seven readings but you care for the doubting in the Quran but in an artistic way and we will expose you but for us you would never find what to expose us with it. Respect your self from the low street language and from today who curses the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad on his site we allow the management to punish him by the restriction from three days to ten days to a month then the restriction would be lifted off him, and who return to abuse the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad after that on his site after the restriction for three times then here the management uproot him from the site as an evil tree uprooted from the earth’s surface; it has no stability.In an case we do not get outside the subject and we return to argue who he names himself (no for sectarianism) and he calls to the believers division into seven sects because he acknowledges the different seven readings! As that he is denying the prophet's Sunna for the explanatory statement of some verses of the Quran. O man, surly the prophets sayings -forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family- increases the Quran clarification and explanation and it is all from Allah the prophet does not speak out of desire in the religion of Allah, for example Allah the most High said:
{And take not a small price for Allah’s covenant. Surely what is with Allah is better for you, if only you know!(95) What is with you runs out and what is with Allah last forever. And We shall certainly give to those who are patient their reward for the best of what they did.(96)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl] 16:95
We devise from that is that the oath upon who deny and not the oath upon who claims, and you know that the oath upon who deny is through the saying of Allah the Most High:
O man, you do not care for the seven readings but you care for the doubting in the Quran but in an artistic way and we will expose you but for us you would never find what to expose us with it. Respect your self from the low street language and from today who curses the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad on his site we allow the management to punish him by the restriction from three days to ten days to a month then the restriction would be lifted off him, and who return to abuse the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad after that on his site after the restriction for three times then here the management uproot him from the site as an evil tree uprooted from the earth’s surface; it has no stability.In an case we do not get outside the subject and we return to argue who he names himself (no for sectarianism) and he calls to the believers division into seven sects because he acknowledges the different seven readings! As that he is denying the prophet's Sunna for the explanatory statement of some verses of the Quran. O man, surly the prophets sayings -forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family- increases the Quran clarification and explanation and it is all from Allah the prophet does not speak out of desire in the religion of Allah, for example Allah the most High said:
{And take not a small price for Allah’s covenant. Surely what is with Allah is better for you, if only you know!(95) What is with you runs out and what is with Allah last forever. And We shall certainly give to those who are patient their reward for the best of what they did.(96)}
Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl] 16:95
We devise from that is that the oath upon who deny and not the oath upon who claims, and you know that the oath upon who deny is through the saying of Allah the Most High:
take not a small price for Allah’s covenant. Surely what is with Allah
is better for you, if only you know!(95) What is with you runs out and
what is with Allah last forever.}
Truthful Allah the Great,
look at the saying of the Most High:
{What is with you runs out and what is with Allah last forever.}
Truthful Allah the Great,
in the meaning of that the material thing that you denied it is with you and you did steal it by the covenant of Allah in the oath of the dawn will run out as the lawful then you enter hell fire, and if you kept your duty fearing Allah and confessed in it fear of Allah, Allah wrote for you a reward with Him that does not run out nor cut off in the blissful heavens, indeed that many people they do not keep their duty, so if he who claim something and make an oath over it then the people would loot each others by the covenant of Allah by the oath of Dawn, and for that the clear evidence is upon the claimer and the oath is upon who deny, and in any case we come to the statement of the prophet forgiveness and peace be upon him for this verse, the messenger of Allah forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family said:
[if the people give by their claims, men would not claim the people's wealth and blood but the clear evidence is upon the claimer and the oath is upon who denied.]
Do you see contradictions between the judgement of Allah and the judgement of His messenger and the judgement of the True Imam Mahdi from your Lord? We found that the True sayings does not violate the Quran in fact it increases it with explanation and clarification.
O man, you are not a searcher for the Truth nor you want the Truth and if you knew the Truth you would not have followed it; but you came to cause doubts in the Truth, and we say: definitely you will die in your rage, and be warned from Allah Who knows what's in yourself, and we made the argument against you at the beginning of the matter in tow points so do you have any objection or shall we move to another point? Although I know that it is not the first time you argue with us, but that does not matter, by Allah your evil planing would never increase the supportive helpers except more from the authority of knowledge by bringing up the argument against you, and we guide by the authority of knowledge other people, and at the end you die in your anger and you would never gain good.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
17 - 10 - 1435 AH
13 - 08 - 2014 AD
{What is with you runs out and what is with Allah last forever.}
Truthful Allah the Great,
in the meaning of that the material thing that you denied it is with you and you did steal it by the covenant of Allah in the oath of the dawn will run out as the lawful then you enter hell fire, and if you kept your duty fearing Allah and confessed in it fear of Allah, Allah wrote for you a reward with Him that does not run out nor cut off in the blissful heavens, indeed that many people they do not keep their duty, so if he who claim something and make an oath over it then the people would loot each others by the covenant of Allah by the oath of Dawn, and for that the clear evidence is upon the claimer and the oath is upon who deny, and in any case we come to the statement of the prophet forgiveness and peace be upon him for this verse, the messenger of Allah forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family said:
[if the people give by their claims, men would not claim the people's wealth and blood but the clear evidence is upon the claimer and the oath is upon who denied.]
Do you see contradictions between the judgement of Allah and the judgement of His messenger and the judgement of the True Imam Mahdi from your Lord? We found that the True sayings does not violate the Quran in fact it increases it with explanation and clarification.
O man, you are not a searcher for the Truth nor you want the Truth and if you knew the Truth you would not have followed it; but you came to cause doubts in the Truth, and we say: definitely you will die in your rage, and be warned from Allah Who knows what's in yourself, and we made the argument against you at the beginning of the matter in tow points so do you have any objection or shall we move to another point? Although I know that it is not the first time you argue with us, but that does not matter, by Allah your evil planing would never increase the supportive helpers except more from the authority of knowledge by bringing up the argument against you, and we guide by the authority of knowledge other people, and at the end you die in your anger and you would never gain good.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
17 - 10 - 1435 AH
13 - 08 - 2014 AD
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